Sunday, April 02, 2006
Should the Phoenix Coyotes tank the season?
My first impulse was to say "yeah, go ahead and tank it" but the more I've thought about it the clearer it comes to way! I've gone to a couple of games the past couple of weeks and it was clear to me how fragile hockey is here in the valley. Many people are going to games now because they are getting free tickets because the Yotes are out of the playoff race so tickets are not in demand. So many of these people are first time fans who are very impressionable. Ice a miserable team and those fans go away thinking..."man hockey sucks!". Let's not forget EVERYONE starts out a casual fan! On another note, there are plenty of die hards who are huge hockey fans who still buy tickets, still make the trek out to Glendale and cheer their heads off for the team. They deserve an all out effort regardless of where the Yotes are in the standings. I'd be really really pissed to go to a game and watch a team "tanking it"!! While I'd love to get a higher pick and obviously I wish they would've started winning a month ago, purposely throwing in the towel is just the wrong thing to do.